Siena Breakdances

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas was lovely, and it's still not over!  Siena fell asleep last night before we opened our stockings, so we still have that to look forward to.  How was your's?

I happened to capture a pretty special moment over the weekend...

It's quite a milestone when baby can entertain herself with nothing but her own movements. Movement for the sheer joy of it! 


Sarah December 27, 2011 at 9:50 AM  

Oh my goodness this is HILARIOUS!!! That's so awesome you got it on camera!

- Sarah

Cindy December 28, 2011 at 1:56 PM  

Merry Christmas! (belated). Love the video...she's definitely got the moves!

twig and blossom January 6, 2012 at 8:50 PM  

I have to post a comment, that is such a cute video! We have so many similarities it is freaking me out a bit. I have my own floral business and would often look at your blog for fun inspiration. I hadn't been on your site for awhile until a few months back (okay more than a few months) and realized that you stopped doing flowers to have a little girl. Well, I had a girl almost the exact same time as you and they even have the same color nursery (saw some photos on your blog) and now looking at this video I think we have the exact same backyard!! This world is so small and crazy sometimes. Anyways, you are very talented and I love to be inspired by your work, flowers, crafting and being a great mom! Keep it up!

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